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Resultado - Carteira Automa Hedge - 20/02/2019

Luis Antonio

Trade History Report Name:	LUIS ANTONIO DA SILVA JUNIOR Account:	2073751 (BRL, 1:1, XPMT5-PRD, real) Broker:	XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A Date:	2019.02.20 20:14 Orders Open Time	Order	Symbol	Type	Volume	Price	S / L	T / P	Time	State	Comment 2019.02.20 09:00:59	96061375	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	98120	98685	2019.02.20 09:01:00	filled	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 09:00:59	96061380	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	98145	98900	2019.02.20 09:01:00	filled	Max TT Longo 2015 3 2019.02.20 09:03:52	96062254	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	98690			2019.02.20 09:03:53	filled	[tp 98690] 2019.02.20 09:30:22	96073839	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	98900			2019.02.20 09:30:22	filled	[tp 98900] 2019.02.20 09:31:59	96074514	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	99240	98155	2019.02.20 09:31:59	filled	Max Padrão SL 350 1 2019.02.20 10:16:30	96091282	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	99240			2019.02.20 10:16:30	filled	[sl 99240] 2019.02.20 10:54:00	96109113	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	99475	98450	2019.02.20 10:54:00	filled	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 10:55:59	96110178	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	99615	98730	2019.02.20 10:56:00	filled	Max TT Longo 2015 3 2019.02.20 11:10:45	96116310	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	98730			2019.02.20 11:10:50	filled	[tp 98730] 2019.02.20 11:13:44	96119113	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	98470			2019.02.20 11:13:45	filled	[tp 98470] 2019.02.20 11:16:00	96121314	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	97985	99370	2019.02.20 11:16:00	filled	Max Padrão SL 350 1 2019.02.20 11:16:51	96122226	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	97985			2019.02.20 11:16:54	filled	[sl 97985] 2019.02.20 11:55:59	96152445	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	98080	98970	2019.02.20 11:55:59	filled	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 13:16:41	96181907	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	98790			2019.02.20 13:16:41	filled	[tp 98790] Deals Time	Deal	Symbol	Type	Direction	Volume	Price	Order	Commission	Swap	Profit	Balance	Comment 2019.02.20 09:01:00	100719121	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	98625	96061375	0.00	0.00	0.00	381.01	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 09:01:00	100719123	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	98630	96061380	0.00	0.00	0.00	381.01	Max TT Longo 2015 3 2019.02.20 09:03:53	100719775	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	98690	96062254	0.00	0.00	13.00	394.01	[tp 98690] 2019.02.20 09:30:22	100727154	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	98895	96073839	0.00	0.00	53.00	447.01	[tp 98900] 2019.02.20 09:31:59	100727573	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	98885	96074514	0.00	0.00	0.00	447.01	Max Padrão SL 350 1 2019.02.20 10:16:30	100740558	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	99230	96091282	0.00	0.00	-69.00	378.01	[sl 99240] 2019.02.20 10:54:00	100750052	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	99155	96109113	0.00	0.00	0.00	378.01	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 10:56:00	100750770	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	99085	96110178	0.00	0.00	0.00	378.01	Max TT Longo 2015 3 2019.02.20 11:10:50	100755230	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	98735	96116310	0.00	0.00	70.00	448.01	[tp 98730] 2019.02.20 11:13:45	100757005	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	98475	96119113	0.00	0.00	136.00	584.01	[tp 98470] 2019.02.20 11:16:00	100758744	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	98345	96121314	0.00	0.00	0.00	584.01	Max Padrão SL 350 1 2019.02.20 11:16:54	100759583	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	97960	96122226	0.00	0.00	-77.00	507.01	[sl 97985] 2019.02.20 11:55:59	100771504	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	98385	96152445	0.00	0.00	0.00	507.01	Max TT V1 2 2019.02.20 13:16:41	100786171	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	98785	96181907	0.00	0.00	80.00	587.01	[tp 98790] 0.00	0.00	206.00	587.01	 Balance:	587.01		Free Margin:	587.01 Credit Facility:	0.00		Margin:	0.00 Floating P/L:	0.00		Margin Level:	0.00% Equity:	587.01 Graph Results Total Net Profit:	206.00	Gross Profit:	352.00	Gross Loss:	-146.00 Profit Factor:	2.41	Expected Payoff:	29.43 Recovery Factor:	2.68	Sharpe Ratio:	0.48 Balance Drawdown: Balance Drawdown Absolute:	3.00	Balance Drawdown Maximal:	77.00 (13.18%)	Balance Drawdown Relative:	15.44% (69.00) Total Trades:	7	Short Trades (won %):	3 (66.67%)	Long Trades (won %):	4 (75.00%) Profit Trades (% of total):	5 (71.43%)	Loss Trades (% of total):	2 (28.57%) Largest profit trade:	136.00	Largest loss trade:	-77.00 Average profit trade:	70.40	Average loss trade:	-73.00 Maximum consecutive wins ($):	2 (206.00)	Maximum consecutive losses ($):	1 (-77.00) Maximal consecutive profit (count):	206.00 (2)	Maximal consecutive loss (count):	-77.00 (1) Average consecutive wins:	2	Average consecutive losses:	1


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