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Resultado - Carteira Automa Hedge - 07/03/2019

Luis Antonio

Relatório do Histórico de Negociação Nome:	LUIS ANTONIO DA SILVA JUNIOR Conta:	2073751 (BRL, 1:1, XPMT5-PRD, real) Corretora:	XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A Data:	2019.03.07 17:44 Posições Horário	Position	Ativo	Tipo	Volume	Preço	S / L	T / P	Horário	Preço	Comissão	Swap	Lucro 2019.03.07 09:05:01	97679969	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94730	95010	95060	2019.03.07 11:05:20	95005	0.00	0.00	55.00 2019.03.07 09:05:59	97680179	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94720	95100	94305	2019.03.07 10:05:59	94765	0.00	0.00	-9.00 2019.03.07 09:14:59	97681975	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94615	94360	95165	2019.03.07 09:43:59	94350	0.00	0.00	-53.00 2019.03.07 09:15:59	97682425	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94610	94610	95375	2019.03.07 17:25:32	95155	0.00	0.00	109.00 2019.03.07 09:21:59	97684496	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94635	94275	95010	2019.03.07 10:21:08	94275	0.00	0.00	-72.00 2019.03.07 09:23:59	97685390	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94685	94190	95455	2019.03.07 11:05:59	94940	0.00	0.00	51.00 2019.03.07 09:31:59	97688297	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94455	95040	93150	2019.03.07 11:02:13	95040	0.00	0.00	-117.00 2019.03.07 10:06:00	97702461	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94765	94160	95500	2019.03.07 11:35:59	94635	0.00	0.00	-26.00 2019.03.07 10:17:59	97709733	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94460	93770	94795	2019.03.07 10:42:44	94815	0.00	0.00	71.00 2019.03.07 10:59:59	97733127	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94940	95525	94440	2019.03.07 16:50:03	94435	0.00	0.00	101.00 2019.03.07 11:03:59	97735493	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94975	94975	94510	2019.03.07 11:38:23	94525	0.00	0.00	90.00 2019.03.07 11:06:00	97737051	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94940	95520	93425	2019.03.07 11:06:00	94940	0.00	0.00	0.00 2019.03.07 11:24:59	97744301	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94930	95885	94680	2019.03.07 11:35:22	94690	0.00	0.00	48.00 2019.03.07 11:35:59	97748942	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94635	95235	94000	2019.03.07 17:29:59	95035	0.00	0.00	-80.00 2019.03.07 11:40:00	97751404	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94510	95590	93625	2019.03.07 12:14:59	94645	0.00	0.00	-27.00 2019.03.07 11:53:59	97757005	WINJ19	sell	1.00	94360	95370	93860	2019.03.07 12:40:00	94820	0.00	0.00	-92.00 2019.03.07 11:55:59	97757752	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94495	94475	95725	2019.03.07 16:07:57	94480	0.00	0.00	-3.00 2019.03.07 12:40:00	97772920	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94820	93875	95080	2019.03.07 17:17:55	95080	0.00	0.00	52.00 2019.03.07 14:30:00	97816904	WINJ19	buy	1.00	94865	94085	95085	2019.03.07 17:17:55	95085	0.00	0.00	44.00 Ordens Horário da Abertura	Ordem	Ativo	Tipo	Volume	Preço	S / L	T / P	Horário	Estado	Comentário 2019.03.07 09:05:01	97679969	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94095	95060	2019.03.07 09:05:01	filled	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 09:05:59	97680179	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95100	94305	2019.03.07 09:05:59	filled	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 09:14:59	97681975	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94360	95180	2019.03.07 09:14:59	filled	Max Padrão Curto M5 120110 2019.03.07 09:15:59	97682425	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94050	95375	2019.03.07 09:15:59	filled	Max S&R Breakout 2 120995 2019.03.07 09:21:59	97684496	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94275	95035	2019.03.07 09:21:59	filled	Max Padrão Curto BG 120109 2019.03.07 09:23:59	97685390	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94190	95455	2019.03.07 09:23:59	filled	Max TB 2 120996 2019.03.07 09:31:59	97688297	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95040	93150	2019.03.07 09:31:59	filled	Max Barra IE 2 120994 2019.03.07 09:43:58	97692282	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	94360			2019.03.07 09:43:59	filled	[sl 94360] 2019.03.07 10:05:59	97702452	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 10:05:59	filled	 2019.03.07 10:06:00	97702461	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94160	95500	2019.03.07 10:06:00	filled	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 10:17:59	97709733	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	93770	94795	2019.03.07 10:17:59	filled	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 10:21:08	97711640	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	94275			2019.03.07 10:21:08	filled	[sl 94275] 2019.03.07 10:42:44	97722055	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	94795			2019.03.07 10:42:44	filled	[tp 94795] 2019.03.07 10:59:59	97733127	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95525	94275	2019.03.07 10:59:59	filled	Max Padrão Curto M5 120110 2019.03.07 11:02:13	97734304	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	95040			2019.03.07 11:02:13	filled	[sl 95040] 2019.03.07 11:03:59	97735493	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95355	94385	2019.03.07 11:03:59	filled	Max Padrão Curto BG 120109 2019.03.07 11:05:20	97736676	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	95010			2019.03.07 11:05:20	filled	[sl 95010] 2019.03.07 11:05:59	97737031	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 11:05:59	filled	 2019.03.07 11:06:00	97737051	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95520	93425	2019.03.07 11:06:00	filled	Max TB 2 120996 2019.03.07 11:06:00	97737054	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 11:06:00	filled	 2019.03.07 11:24:59	97744301	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95885	94680	2019.03.07 11:24:59	filled	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 11:35:22	97748370	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	94680			2019.03.07 11:35:22	filled	[tp 94680] 2019.03.07 11:35:59	97748934	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 11:35:59	filled	 2019.03.07 11:35:59	97748942	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95235	94000	2019.03.07 11:35:59	filled	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 11:38:22	97750559	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	94510			2019.03.07 11:38:23	filled	[tp 94510] 2019.03.07 11:39:59	97751404	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95590	93625	2019.03.07 11:40:00	filled	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 11:53:59	97757005	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market	95370	93860	2019.03.07 11:53:59	filled	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 11:55:59	97757752	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	93955	95725	2019.03.07 11:55:59	filled	Max Barra IE 2 120994 2019.03.07 12:14:59	97765619	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 12:14:59	filled	 2019.03.07 12:40:00	97772918	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 12:40:00	filled	 2019.03.07 12:40:00	97772920	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	93875	95080	2019.03.07 12:40:00	filled	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 14:30:00	97816904	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market	94085	95085	2019.03.07 14:30:00	filled	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 16:07:57	97840315	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	94475			2019.03.07 16:07:57	filled	[sl 94475] 2019.03.07 16:50:03	97852596	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	94440			2019.03.07 16:50:03	filled	[tp 94440] 2019.03.07 17:17:54	97866071	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	95080			2019.03.07 17:17:55	filled	[tp 95080] 2019.03.07 17:17:54	97866072	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	95085			2019.03.07 17:17:55	filled	[tp 95085] 2019.03.07 17:25:32	97870535	WINJ19	sell	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 17:25:32	filled	 2019.03.07 17:29:59	97871844	WINJ19	buy	1.00 / 1.00	market			2019.03.07 17:29:59	filled	 Ofertas Horário	Oferta	Ativo	Tipo	Direção	Volume	Preço	Ordem	Comissão	Swap	Lucro	Saldo	Comentário 2019.03.07 09:05:01	101692249	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94730	97679969	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 09:05:59	101692379	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94720	97680179	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 09:14:59	101693790	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94615	97681975	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max Padrão Curto M5 120110 2019.03.07 09:15:59	101694188	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94610	97682425	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max S&R Breakout 2 120995 2019.03.07 09:21:59	101695900	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94635	97684496	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max Padrão Curto BG 120109 2019.03.07 09:23:59	101696696	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94685	97685390	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max TB 2 120996 2019.03.07 09:31:59	101699116	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94455	97688297	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 886.00	Max Barra IE 2 120994 2019.03.07 09:43:59	101702119	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94350	97692282	0.00	0.00	-53.00	3 833.00	[sl 94360] 2019.03.07 10:05:59	101709370	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94765	97702452	0.00	0.00	-9.00	3 824.00	 2019.03.07 10:06:00	101709372	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94765	97702461	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 824.00	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 10:17:59	101713689	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94460	97709733	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 824.00	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 10:21:08	101715199	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94275	97711640	0.00	0.00	-72.00	3 752.00	[sl 94275] 2019.03.07 10:42:44	101721719	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94815	97722055	0.00	0.00	71.00	3 823.00	[tp 94795] 2019.03.07 10:59:59	101726364	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94940	97733127	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 823.00	Max Padrão Curto M5 120110 2019.03.07 11:02:13	101726849	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	95040	97734304	0.00	0.00	-117.00	3 706.00	[sl 95040] 2019.03.07 11:03:59	101727295	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94975	97735493	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 706.00	Max Padrão Curto BG 120109 2019.03.07 11:05:20	101727495	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	95005	97736676	0.00	0.00	55.00	3 761.00	[sl 95010] 2019.03.07 11:05:59	101727684	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94940	97737031	0.00	0.00	51.00	3 812.00	 2019.03.07 11:06:00	101727700	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94940	97737051	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 812.00	Max TB 2 120996 2019.03.07 11:06:00	101727702	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94940	97737054	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 812.00	 2019.03.07 11:24:59	101731115	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94930	97744301	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 812.00	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 11:35:22	101734298	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94690	97748370	0.00	0.00	48.00	3 860.00	[tp 94680] 2019.03.07 11:35:59	101734646	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94635	97748934	0.00	0.00	-26.00	3 834.00	 2019.03.07 11:35:59	101734649	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94635	97748942	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 834.00	Max AMA 120992 2019.03.07 11:38:23	101735866	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94525	97750559	0.00	0.00	90.00	3 924.00	[tp 94510] 2019.03.07 11:40:00	101736475	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94510	97751404	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 924.00	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 11:53:59	101740631	WINJ19	sell	in	1.00	94360	97757005	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 924.00	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 11:55:59	101741260	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94495	97757752	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 924.00	Max Barra IE 2 120994 2019.03.07 12:14:59	101745134	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94645	97765619	0.00	0.00	-27.00	3 897.00	 2019.03.07 12:40:00	101749615	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94820	97772918	0.00	0.00	-92.00	3 805.00	 2019.03.07 12:40:00	101749617	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94820	97772920	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 805.00	Max Trend & Start 2 120997 2019.03.07 14:30:00	101767797	WINJ19	buy	in	1.00	94865	97816904	0.00	0.00	0.00	3 805.00	Max AO 2 120993 2019.03.07 16:07:57	101782181	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	94480	97840315	0.00	0.00	-3.00	3 802.00	[sl 94475] 2019.03.07 16:50:03	101789401	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	94435	97852596	0.00	0.00	101.00	3 903.00	[tp 94440] 2019.03.07 17:17:55	101794806	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	95080	97866071	0.00	0.00	52.00	3 955.00	[tp 95080] 2019.03.07 17:17:55	101794808	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	95085	97866072	0.00	0.00	44.00	3 999.00	[tp 95085] 2019.03.07 17:25:32	101796091	WINJ19	sell	out	1.00	95155	97870535	0.00	0.00	109.00	4 108.00	 2019.03.07 17:29:59	101796627	WINJ19	buy	out	1.00	95035	97871844	0.00	0.00	-80.00	4 028.00	 0.00	0.00	142.00	4 028.00	 Saldo:	4 028.00		Margem Livre:	4 028.00 Facilidade do Crédito:	0.00		Margem:	0.00 Flutuante P/L:	0.00		Nível de Margem:	0.00% Capital Líquido:	4 028.00 Graph Resultados Lucro Líquido Total:	142.00	Lucro Bruto:	621.00	Perda Bruta:	-479.00 Fator de Lucro:	1.30	Retorno Esperado (Payoff):	7.47 Fator de Recuperação:	0.79	Índice de Sharpe:	0.12 Rebaixamento do Saldo: Rebaixamento Absoluto do Saldo :	180.00	Rebaixamento Máximo do Saldo :	180.00 (4.63%)	Rebaixamento Relativo do Saldo :	4.63% (180.00) Total de Negociações:	19	Posições Vendidas (% e ganhos):	9 (44.44%)	Posições Compradas (% de ganhos):	10 (60.00%) Negociações com Lucro (% of total):	10 (52.63%)	Negociações com Perda (% of total):	9 (47.37%) Maior lucro da negociação:	109.00	Maior perda na Negociação:	-117.00 Média lucro da negociação:	62.10	Média perda na Negociação:	-53.22 Máximo ganhos consecutivos ($):	4 (306.00)	Máximo perdas consecutivas ($):	3 (-134.00) Máxima lucro consecutivo (contagem):	306.00 (4)	Máxima perda consecutiva (contagem):	-134.00 (3) Média ganhos consecutivos:	3	Média perdas consecutivas:	2


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